FAQ Page

Where do I find my Web Access Code and Account Number?

Your web access code and account number are located on your billing statement. You’ll need both of these to set up your online account.

If you need help locating this information on your billing statement or if you’re having trouble setting up your account, please call (408) 226-3300.

If you own multiple units at other CMG-managed properties, you will be able to add them to your homeowner profile after you create your account.

How do I receive my bill and newsletter by email?

You can log into your online account and change your email preferences there. If you do not have an account set up, hover your mouse over the Homeowners tab at the top of this page and click Create An Online Account.

How do I report a violation?

You can log into your online account and submit a violation there. If you do not have an account set up, hover your mouse over the Homeowners tab at the top of this page and click Create An Online Account.

How do I order escrow documents?

Hover over the Services tab at the top of this page. Click on Order HOA Documents from the drop down menu. Fill in the information needed and click submit at the bottom of the page.

How do I change my mailing address?

Hover your mouse over the Homeowners Tab at the top of this page and click Change Your Mailing Address in the drop down menu. Fill in your information and click submit.

When do you send out the review/audit?

Within 120 days after the close of the fiscal year, subject to the approval of the Association’s Board of Directors.

How long has your company been in business?

Since March, 1997.

To which professional organizations does your Company belong?
  • Community Associations Institute (CAI)
  • Executive Council of Homeowners (ECHO) – as of October 17, 2008, Kurtis J. Shenefiel, President of Compass Management Group, is a member of the ECHO Board of Directors.
  • California Association of Community Managers (CACM)
What are your company’s office hours?

8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday (excluding holidays)

What will your company do to help us run our association more efficiently?

Compass Management Group, Inc. has a customized database system that is unparalleled in the Association Management industry. The system has been completely developed in-house by the principals of the company. A unique database is designed for each Association, specifically tracking all information, owner contacts, work orders, violation letters, etc. The database is available within our computer network to all employees, including one-click access to unit history information. The detailed reports generated by our system create a level of reporting and management accountability that is unmatched in the industry.

What form of after-hours service does your company provide? Answering service? Pager? Answering machine?

Homeowners can call the regular Compass phone number  – 408-226-3300. The voice mail system will give them the option of leaving a message in an emergency voice mail box. This voice mail box will page the on-call manager, who is equipped with a mobile phone. The voice mail system will continue to page the manager every 10 minutes until the manager responds to the page. If the manager has not responded to the emergency page within 30 minutes, then a second manager is automatically paged by the system. If that manager fails to respond within 20 minutes, then the General Manager and President are automatically paged by the system in 10 minute intervals.

Does your company offer an early meeting discount?

Yes – Compass Management Group, Inc. will offer discounts to Associations that hold their Board meetings during business hours, ending no later than 5:00 pm.

Are your company’s manager’s reports oral or written?


Does your company provide board meeting packages prior to the meeting?

Yes, and our packets include all of the following information:

  • Agenda
  • Previous meeting minutes
  • Manager’s Report
  • Copies or list of correspondence sent from manager
  • Work orders (service requests) pending and completed
  • Telephone log / Contact report
  • Financial statements
  • Delinquency report
  • Specifications and bids
Does your company maintain an owner roster?

Yes.  Owner and tenant rosters are maintained by Compass Management Group, Inc., and we will work with the Board to develop customized print formats for these rosters.

Do you use lot files for the units?


Are escrow and document costs billed to the association or to the owner?

Costs are paid by the unit owner unless the Board of Directors has approved a policy authorizing payment by the Association.

Does your company send out violation notification letters?


Do you help the Board establish a hearing procedure?


Will you keep all of the association’s bank accounts in the association’s name?


Does your company use trust accounts?


Are the cash receipts and disbursements statements submitted to the board on a monthly or quarterly basis?

California Civil Code Section 1365.5(a) requires that these reports be reviewed on a quarterly basis, at a minimum. Compass Management Group, Inc. will submit the reports on a monthly basis unless a lesser frequency is requested in the contract, but not less than a quarterly basis.

Does your financial statement show an actual-to-budget comparison?


Does your financial statement show the balance in each of the association’s accounts?


Does your financial statement show a reserve account reconciliation?


How often are the bank statements reconciled?


How do you handle billing of members for their monthly assessments? Statements? Coupons?

Monthly statements are mailed to each owner. The cost for the mailing of monthly billing statements is included in the monthly management fee. Compass Management Group, Inc. also offers coupon based assessment collection if requested in the contract. Compass Management Group, Inc. will also work with owners and the Association’s bank to offer electronic funds transfer (autopay) for monthly assessments for individual owners upon request.

Who signs the checks? How many signatures do you recommend?

It is recommended that all checks be signed by two Board members. The manager may provide one signature on operating account checks, to be countersigned by a Board member, if the Board so approves. Two Board members must sign checks for reserve expenditures.

Is the delinquency collection process handled in-house or by an outside company?

Delinquency collection is handled in-house up to the point of pre-lien notice. Beginning with the pre-lien notice, the account is turned over to an outside company for collection. The outside company may be selected by the Association.

Do you provide a delinquency report on a monthly or quarterly basis?

Compass Management Group, Inc. will submit a written report on a monthly basis unless a lesser frequency is requested in the contract, but not less than a quarterly basis.

Will your company prepare a pro forma budget?


Do you coordinate the budget preparation with a Committee?

Either a Committee and/or the Board of Directors.

How often is the reserve study conducted? (Section 1365.5(e))?

At least once every three (3) years in accordance with California Civil Code Section 1365.5(e).

Do you coordinate the activities involved in audit/review preparation?


Does your company prepare the 1099s for all of the association’s unincorporated vendors?


What information does your company request from a contractor before awarding a contract for major work?

Compass Management Group, Inc. requires all of the following information from the selected contractor:

  • Contractor’s license
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)
  • Eligibility for bonding
  • List of references
  • Professional certificates
How many bids do you obtain for major jobs like re-roofing or repainting?

At least three, and as required by Board policy.

At what monetary level do you consider a job to be major?

$2,500 or more.

Do you handle service requests?

Yes. All service requests are addressed in writing, and detailed work order and contact reports are submitted to the Board of Directors each month as part of the Board packet.

Does your company provide any in-house maintenance services for the associations you manage? If yes, what kind of services are offered?

Yes. Compass Management Group, Inc. has a Maintenance Division to perform small maintenance and repair projects. Abilities include janitorial, touch-up painting, light runs and lighting maintenance, gutter cleaning, fence and gate repairs, and other maintenance services. Rates are set on a monthly contract basis, project contract limit, or on a time and materials basis.


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