
Six Reasons to Look Into Flood Insurance

In many areas, flooding is the most common and costly natural disaster—and it can happen here. Just one inch of water in your home or office can cost thousands of dollars in cleanup and replacement costs, including drywall, baseboards, floor coverings and furniture. You may think you’re covered, but many homeowners’ insurance policies do […]

How to Prep Your Home for El Niño Storms

The growing strength of this year’s El Niño brings the promise of a wet winter. Amidst the excitement for much needed rain however, is the fear of the damage a good storm can cause. Our extended drought has made preparation even more necessary. Preparing your home for heavy rain now will save you time and […]

Legislative Update: AB349 Synthetic Turf

As the drought situation in California continues, most HOAs have taken water conservation very seriously. Boards are strongly encouraging owners to dramatically reduce their water use and replant landscapes with drought friendly plants. Synthetic turf has become a significant topic of conversation in the effort to conserve water, but many boards have been reluctant […]

The Drought Explained: Clear Information to Help You Conserve Now

The drought situation in California is dire. Governor Brown’s  mandatory statewide cutback of 25% went into effect on June 1, 2015, and it’s going to have an impact on your water bill. A lot of tips and information have circulated about the drought in the news, but most are generalized bits and pieces of information […]

Emergency Water Conservation Regulations Now in Effect

On July 15th, 2014 the State Water Resources Control Board approved an emergency regulation to ensure water is conserved in California during our severe drought. This regulation went in to effect July 29, 2014 and includes restrictions for all Californians as well as additional directives for water suppliers.

The details of the restrictions for citizens […]

California’s Drought and the Impact on HOA’s – Legislative Update

On January 21, 2014 California Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency.  Climatologists report that the 2013-2014 rainfall season is well on its way to becoming California’s driest period in more than 400 years.  2014 is shaping up to be the third consecutive year of record low rainfall.  In 2013, California received a statewide […]


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